Tuesday 7 January 2020

Welcome to chemistry conference

ChemCat 2020 provides a forum for the people to share their research ideas and knowledge of specific techniques and topics in Chemistry and Engineering field. Providing one kind of platform for critical analysis and to share latest cutting-edge research findings, most recent movements and latest upgrades inside the field with explicit keynote lectures, plenary sessions, Poster competition, Young Researchers’ Forum (YRF), Workshops, Symposiums and Exhibitions from elite researchers, distinguished scientists and business delegates. ChemCat 2020 conference provides the research works from the chemistry experts in various scientific backgrounds and the same can be perceived by young
researchers and students.
Several topic reviews are programmed each day throughout the conference, and participants can usually make their choice of topics from among these scheduled international events.
The Organizing Committee would like to invite all the Scientific Community to participate in this project, presenting papers or communications related to any of the proposed areas.
We hope that you will take this opportunity to join us for academic exchange and visit the city of Rome.
More:  http://globalepisteme.org/Conference/chemistry-conference
Submission:  http://globalepisteme.org/Conference/chemistry-conference/submitabstract
Registration:  http://globalepisteme.org/Conference/chemistry-conference/registration

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